Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Postcard from Czech

It's not supposed to stay "Starring Postcard from Czech" at the beginning. I changed it to say "Postcard from Czech", but as amazing as iMovie is, sometimes the program doesn't listen to me! I'm too impatient to uploaded again! Hope you enjoy despite the minor error!

Postcard from Czech from Aleisha Stephens on Vimeo.


  1. Much better than a wordless Wednesday

  2. AH!! Love this!! I especially love the part where she is splashing in the puddle and giggles :) So cute. That is one of my girls favorite things to do right now too. Also, love hearing her call you Mama, that makes my heart smile :)

  3. I love it! I LOVE the puddles....and then when she plops down to check out her new boots! haaha! She is beautiful!

  4. Great video. Anytime I am at the computer JT thinks I am watching videos of Cece and wants to watch one of her. Is this your street? IT is much more rural than I thought.
