Wednesday, April 11, 2012

family picture fail

So, I had dreams of a family picture on Easter. My kids were all dressed up; I was not wearing yoga pants. It was going to be awesome. Did not happen. However, thankfully, we were with the Patty family, and pictures of our family were taken, and the day was captured. Check out Connie's blog. (You will not find, however, a picture of us all together, just use your imagination!)

Living By Lysa: Easter Snow:  In all my years of celebrating, I've never seen it actually snow on Easter day. As we worshiped in the morning at Malenovice, I couldn...


  1. So sorry!! We didn't get a family picture that day either...said to ourselves that night that we would do it the next day...which of course you know we didn't!! How about spring conference?? Connie

  2. Yep, no Patty picture! It is kinda sad. And we even said that morning that we HAVE to be sure to get family pictures! Ah well.
