Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Funny Cece Quotes

Last weekend, Brian was getting ready to leave for Prague.

Brian: I haven't eaten lunch yet, but we'll probably just stop at McDonald's
Cece: Come with you, Daddy?
Me: No, Cece you're not going this time; you're staying home with me.

5 minutes later.

Brian: Okay, good-bye Ladies; I'm leaving.
Cece: Good-bye, Lucky! (But, we didn't quite understand, "Lucky")
Me: What are you saying, Cece?
Cece: Good-bye, Lucky!
Me: (Laughing) Why are you calling Daddy Lucky?
Cece: Because him going to McDonald's!

Fair enough.

The other night when I was not home--I was at language.

Brian: Cece, do you want me to read you a book?
Cece: Yes.
Brian: Which one?
Cece: Please Baby Please.
Brian: Okay, go find it.
Cece: (Searching through the book bin . . . searching . . . searching) Where are you, stupid thing? (Sigh--a Jennifer Gaalswyk/Aleisha Stephens' sigh.) Stupid thing.

I really do try hard to speak nicely; I can relate to Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables) when she says, " but if you knew all things I want to say, but don't. Give me some credit."


  1. Smile! Thanks for sharing Cece's quotes with us. Though you are so far away, it makes me feel like I can hear her sweet voice. Now tears! I love you all so much. Miss you xoxoxo

    ps. The kids have their assessment/interview for Metrolina Christian Academy today

  2. Oh honey. That Anne Shirley quote is my mantra many days. That and Miss Stacey's assurance that "tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it."
