Monday, January 31, 2011

Minnesota Girl

My mom got me this shirt awhile ago.


It says (in case it's hard to read): "sassy, stylish, snowmobile-racing, wool-socks-wearing, fish-filleting, yah-you-betcha-saying, all american, Minnesota girl (do I look like I grew up in a little house on the prairie???)" I'm not modeling it because my modeling career is temporarily on hold (large belly making any camera angle not so flattering).

Now, for a little theology. I would never say, "God caused me to live in Minnesota." I wouldn't say that because I don't think God would cause anyone to live in MN. I don't care how Calvinist one might be; I'm not sure any Calvinist living in MN would say, "God caused me to live here." It's just too harsh of a statement:).

However, I will say that it has certainly prepared me for living in the Czech Republic. Thankfully, it doesn't get as cold here! My days of youth in Minnesota have definitely given me the strength to survive a winter. So, when my dear friend, Lauren, text me today and said, "wanna take the kids for a walk", the -8 degrees fahrenheit showing on my iPhone did not stop this Minnesota girl from bundling up a two year old, grabbing the dog, and braving it. I'm a little humbled that it was the Pennsylvania girl's idea (Lauren), but still:)!

And, Cecelia? She doesn't seem to mind the cold at all! In fact, both days this weekend, we bundled her up and sent her outside with the dog, and Cece lasted for a good 20 minutes before coming to the door and saying, "I'm done." This is the girl that can't play in another room by herself for more than two minutes (she's a people person). So, she didn't mind our walk today at all; she loved it, especially because Toby and Lia were with her!




By the way, the shirt is 100% correct, except the "yah-you-bettcha-saying" part; let the record stand, that I have never in my life said, "yah-you-bettcha"!


  1. Awesome! Love it! I think I'M gonna start saying "Yah, you bettcha!" :o)

  2. Just so you know, and I am sure I speak for many people, we would LOVE to see another picture of your "large" belly. :)

  3. Heidi is, indeed, speaking for me.
