Friday, October 4, 2013

my ridiculous teacher faces

When Brian and I were first dating, he used to sometimes say, "you're talking to me in your teach voice." It wasn't a compliment. I've gotten better at saving my teacher voice for appropriate times. Sometimes, I whip it out at the dinner table. Wish I had a picture of Alex as he's looking me in the eyes. Well, in addition to my teacher voice, I recently discovered my teacher faces.

This week, I went to H2O, Fala's (Josiah Venture's partner organization in Poland) training facility. I had the opportunity to train some Bethel college students on how to teach English to Polish students. These 20 some college students are communication majors traveling Europe, and they spent three days this week in Polish schools teaching English. This group from Bethel is partnering with four Polish churches who have or are trying to build relationships in their communities with the hope of inviting more students to their youth groups.

Greg Carlson was at H2O, and he snapped some photos from my training. I laughed out loud at myself; you can laugh too!


  1. awesome! I would sit in that class - your 'teacher' faces are engaging and not boring!

  2. Beautiful!!! Such passion for The Lord and what you are teaching!!!! Well done! The pics of the kids must make your Mom and Dad so much more anxious to see you!!!

  3. Funny thing is, I know exactly what "voice" you are talking about. You have had it for a looooong time. Love you! LOIS
